Saturday, January 30, 2021

UFO watching Nasa Curiosity Rover

 Hello Earthlings

Very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening i am sure you are having a good day on Flying Earth.

As i have been saying Mars is full of secrets and may have answers to many Humans questions of how life started on Earth? whats the connection between Earth and Mars? Does single/multiple Alien race is responsible for Super Structures on Earth and are they monitoring earth ?

In Many of the images taken by Nasa Curiosity Rover you will find UFO hovering over the Martian Sky .As Human made Curiosity Rover is watching the Martian land the Alien made UFO is curiosly watching the Curiosity Rover.

These UFO's are really big , the image is taken in year 2016 from miles away and still they can be seen prominently in the Curiosity images.

The Alien technology may be far superior than ours but who knows they may be our Ancestors who migrated to Mars/other Planet  million years ago when earth became unhabitable.

Have a look on this UFO when you land on Mars you will find many including the look a like Cigarette object OUMUAMUA - as i have been saying there are many secrets which the Humans may not be able to digest - wait for the Mars Colonization but till then enjoy my blog "MarsLivingTruth".



Thursday, January 28, 2021

Life on Mars

 Hello Earthlings

Living on mars may be challenging to Humans but not for Martians.

Martian Creatures and Aliens they are use to the Mars climatic conditions and they are living on Mars may be million years if not Billion Years.

Nasa Curiosity Rover image  of year 2016 again capturing the life on Mars.

Earth does not enjoy the special status of only Planet with Life - visit Mars you will be shocked.


Monday, January 25, 2021

Lord Shiva on Mars - Nataraj Posture

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

Lord shiva the universal god is also the god with presence not only of Earth but also in whole universe.

One of the nasa image shows the whole galaxy in the shape of Lord shiva.

Nasa Curiosity has captured various images of Lord shiva on Mars and one of them is very very special as it shows the Lord Shiva in Nataraj Form - Meaning of Lord Nataraj is "The Lord of Dancing".

When it is made 1000 years or million or billion years old the carbon dating will disclose the exact age when you me & scientist do the testing on Mars.

There are lot more on Lord Shiva to come from Mars.

But till then adore the Lord Shiva Nataraj Posture taken by Curiosity from many miles away.

Such disclosures you will find only on my Blog .

Follow me and B The First To Know The Mars Truth.


Saturday, January 23, 2021

Giant Shivling on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

As you are aware Lord Shiva is worshiped across the world on Earth the traces of the same can be seen in many parts of the world from the ancient times.

Lord shiva shivlings can be found all over the places on Earth.

Lord shiva is an universal God and worshiped on Mars too .Lord Shiva Shivlings ,temples and images can be seen on various images captured by Nasa Curiosity Rover.

Curiosity image of year 2016 shows the Giant Shivling on Mars , it seems Lord shiva is also the Favourite God of Martian also.

There is much more to come , 

Follow MyBolog and B The First To Know the Mars Truth.


Night Affair on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening 

If you are regular visitor to my blog you must have known there is life on mars.

This intelligent life too lives in dark but with lights on , it means that they are aware of power/electricity.

But some of them are living in Bright Lights and some are in dark as per their accessibility.

The Nasa curiosity has worked mars images day n night to reveal the Mars TRUTH.

Please check this Myvideo link to have more clarity how martian are living on mars - ofcourse this is one section of the martian society.



Friday, January 22, 2021

Mars Egyptions

 Hello Earthlings

One of the Greatest Super Structure on Earth is the Egyption Pyramid.Exactly we Humans dont know who built them and what was the main purpose?.

Why the Pyramid points towards the Orion constellation ? and Egyption came from where and vanished where & when ?

We may find answers to many above questions if we analyse or directly ask the Mars Egyption or our space agencies may after mars colonization reveal this mystry .But sadly till that time you & me would have become History.

So here is the opportunity for you to see the Martian Egyption Giants Statues of Ferros,Kings,Queens and the Super Pyramid.This image was taken by Nasa Curiosity on Sep.2016 revealing mars secrets.

I believe Mars Egyptions are still on Mars and when we meet them on Martian land we have to rewrite the History on many fronts.

Have a look and feel it one day you may visit this Super Structure and who knows you may find out the Egyption link to Orion constellation? Dont worry in future you will know more about Martian Egyption.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Living Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

As My Blog and My Youtube channel (marskundanpariyar) has been continously revealing the Mars secrets which other than the special mars exploration team would not know.

Yes you can know some of this in your life time if you happen to land on mars but during initial decade you may know very little about Mars.Once after many decades of Human colonizing the mars you will know the reality of  Mars which i am saying.

One of such image of year 2015 taken by Nasa Curiosity Rover reveals the Mars Truth.

Check this image and video link of my channel - B The First 2 Know The Mars Truth


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

ufo on mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

My Blog will surprise you with every post and i know you wont believe of aliens existence till you take selfie with them.

In Sep.2016 one of the image of Nasa Curiosity Rover again captured the UFO - it is either landing or taking off from the ground.Please note it is above the ground and you can see the shadow of the ufo on the ground.

This ufo is cigar shaped may be equivalent to our fighter jet size as this image is taken from miles away.

There is much more to come - this is tip of the ice berg.

Know the Mars Truth before you say Good Bye.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

oumuamua from mars?

 Dear Earthlings

Oumuamua as per our scientific community it is the Interstellar object from different galaxy.

it is the Cigar Shaped object which was observed on october 2017 leaving our galaxy at a amazing speed of 196000 Miles per hour.

it was not an asteroid as asteriod do not change their path drastically.Oumuamua was observed deviated from its usual path which is not possible for the normal asteriod.

I believe it was a Cigar Shaped UFO which may have started its Return Journey from Mars.

Oumuamua from Mars? Mangalyaan?

Why i am saying this it is a FUO bcoz such Cigar shaped object has been captured by Nasa Curiosity and there are much more secrets to be revealed on such Cigar shaped object called :OUMUAMUA".

Watch this video - as i have been saying there is Million Years Living Truth on Mars and many secrets which the Humans may not be able to digest.

The world may not speak of another oumuamua but my blog will show you another one - keep in touch.

Follow my Blog and B The First to Know the Mars Truth.

Oumuamua from Mars?


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Mars Houses

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

On Mars you will find many primitive type of house which will give you feeler this may be the first type of Houses of Humans/aliens when life started.

But Mars also has villages which are just like ours only the main difference is that they built there houses with the natural resources like stones.

There are also cities but not exactly with ours sky scrappers but time will tell there are cities on mars which are far superior than ours - this section we are yet to capture on mars... more on this in future as i mentioned mars is full of secrets and most of them are beyond human imagination.

My Blog will share such images of mars which will astonish you.

The below curiosity image is of  year 2014 - have a look.



Water on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

As water being the main source of life and our beloved space agencies have accepted there is water beneath the surface of mars - frozen water in the form of ice.

But in addition of that there are various images of Nasa curiosity which clearly shows the liquid water coming out of the surface of mars - particularly in mountain areas.

i have also share the images where the lake is being seen , without water such an abundance of life on mars is impossible.

year 2016 image of curiosity rover showing the water coming out of mars surface once again revealing the Mars Truth - Follow MarsLivingTruth and B The First to Know Mars Truth.

Take Care


Monday, January 11, 2021

Creatures n Aliens on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Life on  Planet Mars is very different as the species are very unique and they have adapted themselves of mars atmoshphere.

This is not the first time you are seeing aliens n alien creature of mars on this blog MarsLivingTruth.

Nasa Curiosity image of year 2014 once again reveals the truth which the majority of humans are not aware - Know the Truth before you land on mars.


Alien on Mars

 Earthlings Very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

There are aliens on mars which is normal for mars but abnormal for people on Mars as we have been told we are alone in this entire universe.

These aliens some of them are really big - Giant size which we humans have never seen before in real life.

The sad part is you may not be able to see this if you do not visit Mars bcoz the confirmation from scientific community on life beyond earth particulary mars may take 100 of years.

If You happen to be one of the lucky guy who will be visiting mars for mars colonization then you will know what to expect on mars.

Nasa Curioity image of year 2015 once again reveals there are aliens n giants on mars which the Humans have not been informed by the space agencies.

Have a alien day/night - B the First to know the Mars Truth on MarsLivingTruth.



Sunday, January 10, 2021

Cargo aircraft on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

Welcome again on My Blog ,Thanks for that.The more you come here the more comfortable will be when you land on mars and go out of your Human established colonies.

This is the only Blog the objective of which is to make humans aware of Mars habitats. Please note this is only one of the section of mars there are more to come.

As long as you are with this Blog you will come to know the Real Mars which is you have never thought of .If you happen to go to mars for colonization or for higher studies or on Inter Planetery tour then you will see these images real scenes.

September 2016 Nasa Curiosity image does once again and captures the reality.This cargo aircraft might have come to deliver the food items and medical facilities to the alien team stationed at this mars base.

This information is just tip of the iceberg and you guys know i have the iceberg - lot of mars revealing truth.

Follow me and B the First to know the Mars Truth.

Fish on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

as i have been mentioning there are lot of secrets about Mars and most of them Humans cannot digest.

One of such secrets is there are fish on Mars.Yep its a good news not only for Non-vegetarian but also for all people of earth.

It again means there is life on mars which we never thought of and we thought Earth is the only Planet with life.

Some of you may say whats the Big Deal ? if Mars has Fish ?.Yes you are right.The surprising thing is not that Mars has fish the surprising thing is the size of the fish.

Genearally humans eat fish but on mars humans may fear by seeing the fish.

most of the Mars Fish size is Big really Big you will require lot of guts to stand close to it.

Nasa curiosity rover has done delivered more evidence than Humans expected - but we humans always have greater expection .May be one day in future we may develop such technology where the still image will also speak.If that technology existed today then the fish seen in this image would have said - Hey Buddy i am on Mars you are on which Planet ?...Wanna eat me? or i should ....

More secrets about Fish of Mars will be revealed on MarsLivingTruth ---- Follow Me & B The First to know the Mars Truth.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Aliens on Mars

Dear Earthlings

Very Good Morning/After noon/Evening

as i promised displaying here again the image of curiosity rover clearly showing the aliens in the frame.

The image is taken in year 2015 .

There is life beyond earth particularly on mars and these aliens have adapted themselves to the mars challenging atmosphere.

They seem like humans from distance but they are of reptilian nature .

we can have face 2 face chat with them and more in depth discussion when we land on mars but initially they may not allow to enter in their territory. Over a period of time there will be some understanding or area will be divided into No Entry Zone if the agreement does not workout.

Have a good alien day.

Unique Creature on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

Mars Rocks n Mountains are the favourite places of Mars creatures bcoz it is strong and gr8 protection from Mars frequent dust storms.

Nasa Curiosity image of 2016 clearly shows a creature with a long tail sitting on Mountain ,such type of creatures are extinct on earth.

when you visit Mars you know what type of  creatures you will be seeing on mars but how friendly they are that can be determine when we land on mars - till then see in such images on MyBlog MarsLivingTruth.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Giant Skull on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Nasa Curiosity image of Sep.2016 is showing the Giant Skull which may be not less than 10 feet the exact measurement can be known when you & me along with expert will take the measurement of this skull.

The exact age also will also be known at that time , may be 1000 years or few million years again exact age will be known when you & .......

This clearly indicates there are giants on mars i have already shown giant in my blog and more to come.

This is just the skull where is the other parts of the Giant ?

more secrets about mars giants in coming weeks till then just follow me i will guide you to Mars.


Mars is alive

 Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Earthlings

Nasa Curiosity Rover has provided enough evidence of life on mars but its final confirmation may be after mars colonization or any space agency disclosing this fact but that agency will be other than Nasa.

Year 2016 image taken by Curiosity rover reveals much more than Humans can digest.

In this image a bird & a creature is clearly visible but there are others too .

you may also like to see some aliens ? coming in next 24 hours.


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Creatures on Mars Farm

 Dear Earthlings

There is much more than what we see in Nasa Curiosity Mars images , just like this image which was taken in Year 2014.The field looks like farming field in which primarily 2 giant creatures are being seen.

other small creatures are also there but for today just focus on 2 major creatures being seen on farm and curiosity rover is watching them from distance.

1 seems to be like snake and other one is unknown creature.

what type of creature & farming it is can be known when we land on mars.

still we require proof that we are not alone ?

Curiosity Rover on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

We may be strangers to the Martian but Nasa's Curiosity Rover is not bcoz it seems they have accepted curiosity rover as it romes close to them.

Nasa curiosity image of August 2016 reveals that rover is close to some unknown creature and Martian UFO is hovering over sky.

I hope martians are more friendly then our friends on earth.

Have a good day and feel this image - remember one day you will be on Mars.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Living Giant Birds on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

when there is water & various creatures how there cannot be Birds?

Mars has everything but only one difference between earth & mars it is the size - does it matters ?

Yes it matters

On Earth you can easily be between birds without fear bcoz you are the king.

But sorry i cannot say the same thing if you go to mars bcoz it will require lots of guts to stand besides birds on mars as most of them are bigger than you.

yes you may thing it is fake , i would love to see you standing among birds on mars .Most of them are of giant size may be due climate conditions.Once the Mars colonization gets under way and nations who are exploring mars will start diclosing the fact - we are not alone.

the image taken by Nasa Curiosity rover shows clearly the giant bird is holding something in its feet and eating it.There is more in this image - Have a look.

Have a Good Day/Evening/Night on Earth n on Mars.


Lord Ganesha on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Martian too seems to love the Lord Ganesha and thats why in many of the places we find idol of Lord Ganesha .Some of them may be million years old wel carved in stone.

How old these idols are can be determine only when we land on mars and martian allows us to access their favourite god idol.

The image is taken by Nasa Curiosity in year 2016 , the image clearly shows the Lord Ganesha image.

There are many Lord Ganesha images mostly carved in stones and some are really big which i will display in my coming blogs.

Today evening lets meet a bird while having sip of coffee/tea/ may be on the rocks.

Keep in Touch.


Lord Ganesha & Temples on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

Again i am on mars thinking how God has created this universe , ofcourse the scientific community like to call it Big Bang.

Still our galaxies is expanding and moving at a unimaginable speed - Everything in universe keeps on moving.If you stop you stop there will be consequences like there will not be any life left in planet - so Keep Moving.

My favourite God is Lord Ganesha and i consider myself very lucky to find image of Lord Ganesha on mars ofcourse through Nasa Curiosity Rover images.

Nasa has done great work by landing various rovers on Mars and now they are close to colonizing mars.

I think once they land on mars they should first take blessings of Lord Ganesha , as we beilieve in indian mythology whenever you start any work take Lord Ganesh Blessings - Jai Sri Ganesha - Bappa Morya.

Nasa curiosity 2016 image has again captured the Lord Ganesha idol image including Temples.

It indicates that we are not alone believing & worshipping God.

There are signs of ancient indian Temples & much more - to be disclosed in coming weeks.

Enjoy Your Day/Night



Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Mars One Jhalak

 Dear Earthlings

Mars has many surprises which the mankind may or may not be able to digest.

mars has its very challenging atmosphere and unique creatures/aliens who have adapted themselves over a period of time - may be since million years or even more than that.

We are Alone till space agencies accept the fact that there is life beyond earth.

Year 2016 Nasa Curiosity images says it all.

watch this video in the link below for more clarity on mars & feel the million years Truth.

Click this Link Mars One Jhalak


Jet on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Hope you are having a good time and thankyou for checking out my blog.

UFO/Flying Jet are common thing on mars but for us it is difficult to digest as we are told we are alone in this entire universe.

Nasa Curiosity image of year 2016 clearly reveals a Triangular shaped hightech jet parked on a artificial base created for jet , may be for some alien activity it is parked there.

This is not the first time and nor the last time the curiosity rover has captured UFO or Mars jet in its camera.

Enjoy the Mars Truth and have a GR8 Day/Night.

UFO on Mars

 Good Morning Earthlings/Martian

There are reports of UFO(Unidentified Flying Object) been seen all over the Earth but there is no confirmation  by any government regarding this and these UFO's have come from outside Earth.

But when you UFO on Mars and also do you need confirmation ? that they are not from earth and there exists an intelligent life beyond earth?

These are high tech UFO's and some are really big which Nasa Curiosity rover has captured in year 2016 on Mars Sky.

Are they keeping watch on Earth Nasa Curiosity Rover ? or they having live transmission to their home planet which may or may not be the Mars but other planet in our solar system or outside it?

Just relax and enjoy these ufo view - there is much more coming on your way from MarsLivingTruth.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Giants (Nephilim) Living on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Giants skeleton were found all over the world from 18th century and it has become mistry to mankind.

Mention of the Giants is also there in the Book of Giants  found during the excavation work in Qumran Caves in Israel.

The reference of Giants is also mentioned in Bible.

The Giants vanished from earth minimum 100 million years ago.

Whatif, if you can see and meet some giants one day , it is possible provided during your life time you visit mars or they come to earth on our invitation.

Yes in year 2016 Nasa Curiosity Rover captures an image showing the Giant watching curiosity rover.

The Giant is too huge and may change our understanding about them.

Our HIstory will definitely change and so our understanding about space & universe.

Dont be afraid there is much more to come - he is just watching you.


Mars 1st image (Viking1 Year 1976) was quite revealing

 Dear Earthlings

The 1st image by Viking1 on 20th July 1976 actually revealed it all but it was difficult to Humans to digest in 1976.

Even the 1st image showed the signs of life on mars but we were too interested on image rather than its content.

in this image you can see the creatures captured by viking1 .There are much more than that but i am circling on few - Have a Look .

Have a nice day/night.

Good Morning Curiosity

 Dear Earthlings

Very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

As every day we start our work there are others who are little bit different from us also does the same.

One of the major difference between us and them are we both are in different planets , we are on planet called Earth and they are on Planet which we called Mars but they may be calling it with different name.

I believe they know us through the Nasa Curiosity Rover and we can have face 2 face conversation when we land on mars.

The below image shows the Giant Creatures and some alien activities on Mars.Curiosity is capturing their daily life which will be helplful in future for mankind during Mars Colonization among the existing Alien Colonies.

Have a GR8 Morning/Afternoon/Evening


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Mars Colonization - its Human thing?

 Dear Earthlings

Read this with a sip of coffee/tea and enjoy this colonization image.

It is GR8 Thing to migrate to other than home planet keeping a second option in case of major disaster on Earth.

As todays year is 2021 but we see history of million years of life existing on mars.

we find traces of humans minimum 5000 to 20000 year old and much more this indicates earth becomes non habitable to major extent after certain years may be 5000 or 10000 years - God knows.

But colonizing mars will be major achievement for us and one day we will be on mars on a visit or for special assignment on mars.

This Human Mars colonization survival will be major challenge to humans  due to atmospheric conditions and  our Martian friend as for some of them we are the Unwanted Guests on their Home Planet.

Nasa curiosity image of year 2014 shows the existing colonies of mars - if you are interested you can see the detail video on my youtube channel marskundanpariyar. 

You may take time to digest this bcoz my blog speaks of Mars Truth for which Humans are not ready and the confirmation of life beyond earth may come in your life time mostly from the space agencies who are new players in exploring mars.

Someday we will have coffee with Martian too

Water on Mars

Dear Earthlings 

Water being the main source of life without which we all believe life cannot exist.

Space agencies accepts that there is water on Mars in the form of ice beneath the surface of mars , this is partly true.

Without water there would not have been any life on martian land that means there is somewhere free flow water which these creatures are having access to fullfill their drinking need.

These images below are taken by Nasa Curiosity in Year 2014 which shows there is some liquid like water is clearly visible.

The life without water cannot exist which we all agree that means existence of these creatures reveals there is water which with some purification can be used by Humans.

May be after mars colonization hundereds or thousands year beyond Humans may need to start the drive on Mars - Save Water Save Mars.

We are Alone - Really?

Good Morning Earthlings

 We are alone and we will remain alone till we migrate to other planets or aliens comes to us and takes a selfie to prove they exist.

There are 8 Planets in our own solar system and there are millions outside but still out of these millions planets Earth is the only Planet Gifted with LIFE - Amazinggggg.

What special we did to make earth became habitable ? as i see we humans have participated in harming Earth than saving it.

The basic necessity to form life is water and life supportive environment.

Earlier it was believe that there is no water outside earth but now  slowly slowly revelation is coming that there is water on moon and on mars - at least in ice form.In coming years they will also disclose there are lakes and rivers too.

Of course the atmospheric conditions of moon n mars will pose challenges before we adapt ourselves to these challenges. 

Nasa Curiosity Mars image of  2014 shows the 65million year old friend looking at Curiosity Rover and saying we are alone. Mars has many secrets this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Keep in Touch.


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Mars is Mankind 2nd Home?

 The Humans on Earth are looking towards Mars as its 2nd home so that Human race can survive and thrive on Mars in case of any major disaster to human race on earth.

Every nation on earth is now interested on Mars and want to colonize it on its own way.

Apart from Mars atmospheric challenge the unpredictable behaviour of unimaginable habitat of Mars will be the most interesting part to watch while colonizing mars.

The Biggest and the Longest creatures of Earth will match with the smallest & shortest creature of Mars.

The Planet Mars is eagerly waiting to see Humans at its doorstep.

Mars will be Mankind 2nd Home or R V Returning to our Original Home? time will reveal.