Saturday, January 30, 2021

UFO watching Nasa Curiosity Rover

 Hello Earthlings

Very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening i am sure you are having a good day on Flying Earth.

As i have been saying Mars is full of secrets and may have answers to many Humans questions of how life started on Earth? whats the connection between Earth and Mars? Does single/multiple Alien race is responsible for Super Structures on Earth and are they monitoring earth ?

In Many of the images taken by Nasa Curiosity Rover you will find UFO hovering over the Martian Sky .As Human made Curiosity Rover is watching the Martian land the Alien made UFO is curiosly watching the Curiosity Rover.

These UFO's are really big , the image is taken in year 2016 from miles away and still they can be seen prominently in the Curiosity images.

The Alien technology may be far superior than ours but who knows they may be our Ancestors who migrated to Mars/other Planet  million years ago when earth became unhabitable.

Have a look on this UFO when you land on Mars you will find many including the look a like Cigarette object OUMUAMUA - as i have been saying there are many secrets which the Humans may not be able to digest - wait for the Mars Colonization but till then enjoy my blog "MarsLivingTruth".




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