Monday, January 4, 2021

Giants (Nephilim) Living on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Giants skeleton were found all over the world from 18th century and it has become mistry to mankind.

Mention of the Giants is also there in the Book of Giants  found during the excavation work in Qumran Caves in Israel.

The reference of Giants is also mentioned in Bible.

The Giants vanished from earth minimum 100 million years ago.

Whatif, if you can see and meet some giants one day , it is possible provided during your life time you visit mars or they come to earth on our invitation.

Yes in year 2016 Nasa Curiosity Rover captures an image showing the Giant watching curiosity rover.

The Giant is too huge and may change our understanding about them.

Our HIstory will definitely change and so our understanding about space & universe.

Dont be afraid there is much more to come - he is just watching you.



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