Tuesday, February 2, 2021


 Dear Earthlings

Very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

We are not alone in this universe , there is life beyond earth and they are unimaginable to a great extent.

The secret of life existing outside earth particularly on moon and mars is known to the space agency more than 40 years but its disclosure may come after minimum 200 years after the mars colonization.

once the inter planetary travel starts then more disclosure on life beyond earth will be seen.

In this video you will see the Curiosity Rover images of mars which says we are not alone and they are there from million years .


Saturday, January 30, 2021

UFO watching Nasa Curiosity Rover

 Hello Earthlings

Very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening i am sure you are having a good day on Flying Earth.

As i have been saying Mars is full of secrets and may have answers to many Humans questions of how life started on Earth? whats the connection between Earth and Mars? Does single/multiple Alien race is responsible for Super Structures on Earth and are they monitoring earth ?

In Many of the images taken by Nasa Curiosity Rover you will find UFO hovering over the Martian Sky .As Human made Curiosity Rover is watching the Martian land the Alien made UFO is curiosly watching the Curiosity Rover.

These UFO's are really big , the image is taken in year 2016 from miles away and still they can be seen prominently in the Curiosity images.

The Alien technology may be far superior than ours but who knows they may be our Ancestors who migrated to Mars/other Planet  million years ago when earth became unhabitable.

Have a look on this UFO when you land on Mars you will find many including the look a like Cigarette object OUMUAMUA - as i have been saying there are many secrets which the Humans may not be able to digest - wait for the Mars Colonization but till then enjoy my blog "MarsLivingTruth".



Thursday, January 28, 2021

Life on Mars

 Hello Earthlings

Living on mars may be challenging to Humans but not for Martians.

Martian Creatures and Aliens they are use to the Mars climatic conditions and they are living on Mars may be million years if not Billion Years.

Nasa Curiosity Rover image  of year 2016 again capturing the life on Mars.

Earth does not enjoy the special status of only Planet with Life - visit Mars you will be shocked.


Monday, January 25, 2021

Lord Shiva on Mars - Nataraj Posture

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

Lord shiva the universal god is also the god with presence not only of Earth but also in whole universe.

One of the nasa image shows the whole galaxy in the shape of Lord shiva.

Nasa Curiosity has captured various images of Lord shiva on Mars and one of them is very very special as it shows the Lord Shiva in Nataraj Form - Meaning of Lord Nataraj is "The Lord of Dancing".

When it is made 1000 years or million or billion years old the carbon dating will disclose the exact age when you me & scientist do the testing on Mars.

There are lot more on Lord Shiva to come from Mars.

But till then adore the Lord Shiva Nataraj Posture taken by Curiosity from many miles away.

Such disclosures you will find only on my Blog .

Follow me and B The First To Know The Mars Truth.


Saturday, January 23, 2021

Giant Shivling on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

As you are aware Lord Shiva is worshiped across the world on Earth the traces of the same can be seen in many parts of the world from the ancient times.

Lord shiva shivlings can be found all over the places on Earth.

Lord shiva is an universal God and worshiped on Mars too .Lord Shiva Shivlings ,temples and images can be seen on various images captured by Nasa Curiosity Rover.

Curiosity image of year 2016 shows the Giant Shivling on Mars , it seems Lord shiva is also the Favourite God of Martian also.

There is much more to come , 

Follow MyBolog and B The First To Know the Mars Truth.


Night Affair on Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening 

If you are regular visitor to my blog you must have known there is life on mars.

This intelligent life too lives in dark but with lights on , it means that they are aware of power/electricity.

But some of them are living in Bright Lights and some are in dark as per their accessibility.

The Nasa curiosity has worked mars images day n night to reveal the Mars TRUTH.

Please check this Myvideo link to have more clarity how martian are living on mars - ofcourse this is one section of the martian society.




Friday, January 22, 2021

Mars Egyptions

 Hello Earthlings

One of the Greatest Super Structure on Earth is the Egyption Pyramid.Exactly we Humans dont know who built them and what was the main purpose?.

Why the Pyramid points towards the Orion constellation ? and Egyption came from where and vanished where & when ?

We may find answers to many above questions if we analyse or directly ask the Mars Egyption or our space agencies may after mars colonization reveal this mystry .But sadly till that time you & me would have become History.

So here is the opportunity for you to see the Martian Egyption Giants Statues of Ferros,Kings,Queens and the Super Pyramid.This image was taken by Nasa Curiosity on Sep.2016 revealing mars secrets.

I believe Mars Egyptions are still on Mars and when we meet them on Martian land we have to rewrite the History on many fronts.

Have a look and feel it one day you may visit this Super Structure and who knows you may find out the Egyption link to Orion constellation? Dont worry in future you will know more about Martian Egyption.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Living Mars

 Dear Earthlings

Very Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

As My Blog and My Youtube channel (marskundanpariyar) has been continously revealing the Mars secrets which other than the special mars exploration team would not know.

Yes you can know some of this in your life time if you happen to land on mars but during initial decade you may know very little about Mars.Once after many decades of Human colonizing the mars you will know the reality of  Mars which i am saying.

One of such image of year 2015 taken by Nasa Curiosity Rover reveals the Mars Truth.

Check this image and video link of my channel - B The First 2 Know The Mars Truth



Tuesday, January 19, 2021

ufo on mars

 Dear Earthlings

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

My Blog will surprise you with every post and i know you wont believe of aliens existence till you take selfie with them.

In Sep.2016 one of the image of Nasa Curiosity Rover again captured the UFO - it is either landing or taking off from the ground.Please note it is above the ground and you can see the shadow of the ufo on the ground.

This ufo is cigar shaped may be equivalent to our fighter jet size as this image is taken from miles away.

There is much more to come - this is tip of the ice berg.

Know the Mars Truth before you say Good Bye.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

oumuamua from mars?

 Dear Earthlings

Oumuamua as per our scientific community it is the Interstellar object from different galaxy.

it is the Cigar Shaped object which was observed on october 2017 leaving our galaxy at a amazing speed of 196000 Miles per hour.

it was not an asteroid as asteriod do not change their path drastically.Oumuamua was observed deviated from its usual path which is not possible for the normal asteriod.

I believe it was a Cigar Shaped UFO which may have started its Return Journey from Mars.

Oumuamua from Mars? Mangalyaan?

Why i am saying this it is a FUO bcoz such Cigar shaped object has been captured by Nasa Curiosity and there are much more secrets to be revealed on such Cigar shaped object called :OUMUAMUA".

Watch this video - as i have been saying there is Million Years Living Truth on Mars and many secrets which the Humans may not be able to digest.

The world may not speak of another oumuamua but my blog will show you another one - keep in touch.

Follow my Blog and B The First to Know the Mars Truth.

Oumuamua from Mars?
